Mahavatar Babaji

Babaji altar colorOn July 25th, we hold our annual commemoration service for Mahavatar Babaji. We hope that you can join us for this special service. Please bring a flower offering as a symbol of devotion to God and Babaji, and do not smell the flower but save its fragrance as part of the gift meant for God. Please also bring a donation in a sealed envelope as a symbol of loyalty and faithfulness to the cause of SRF. Your donation will be used by SRF for sharing the sacred teachings of Self-Realization Fellowship with other truth seekers.

No limiting facts about Babaji’s family or birthplace have ever been discovered. He has adopted the simple name of Babaji (Revered Father).

In the Hindu scriptures, avatara, signifies the descent of Divinity into flesh. Babaji’s mission in India has been to assist prophets in carrying out their special dispensations. He thus qualifies for the scriptural classification of Mahavatar (Great Avatar).

Sri Yukteswar told Gruji, “Babaji’s spiritual state is beyond human comprehension. The dwarfed vision of men cannot pierce to his transcendental star. One attempts in vain even to picture the avatar’s attainment. It is inconceivable.”

It is Mahavatar Babaji who revived in this age the lost scientific meditation technique of Kriya Yoga. In bestowing Kriya initiation on his disciple Lahiri Mahasaya, Babaji said, “The Kriya Yoga that I am giving to the world through you in this nineteenth century is a revival of the same science that Krishna gave millenniums ago to Arjuna; and that was later known to Patanjali and Christ, and to St. John, St. Paul, and other disciples.”

Mahavatar Babaji is the supreme guru in the Indian line of masters who assume responsibility for the spiritual welfare of all SRF-YSS members who faithfully practice Kriya Yoga. Babaji has promised to guard and guide all sincere Kriya Yogis in their path toward the goal.

After Daya Mata visited Babaji’s cave during her trip to India in 1963 and 1964, Babaji soon appeared to her and told her, “My child, know this: it is not necessary for devotees to come to this spot to find me. Whoever goes within with deep devotion, calling and believing in me, will find my response.”

Lahiri Mahasaya said, “Whenever anyone utters with reverence the name of Babaji, that devotee attracts an instant spiritual blessing.”