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12:00 Noon
Thanksgiving Pot Luck
Entree Catered Social
DFW-SRF Meditation Group Location
2011 N. Britain Rd., Irving
Week of Events
Meditation Service
Sunday School 11:00 am
12:00 Noon
Thanksgiving Pot Luck
Entree Catered Social
Wednesday Online Meditation
Wednesday Online Meditation
7 pm - 7.15 pm Energization Exercises 7.20 pm -8.30 Group Meditation with Inspirational-reading, Chants, Meditation and Healing Service . Link to Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/73165306898?pwd=RmZLelBDUWpIT2kvSm9DSWhQVmZKQT09 Meeting ID: 731 6530 6898 Passcode: 917834