Week of Events
Meditation Service
Readings Service
Readings Service
Readings Service is 11:00-noon: Readings of comparable Bible and Bhagavad Gita scriptural passages with Paramahansa Yogananda's interpretations. This service also includes meditation, chanting, and Yogananda's healing technique for body, mind, and soul.
Sunday School 11:00 am
Wednesday Online Meditation
Wednesday Online Meditation
7 pm - 7.15 pm Energization Exercises 7.20 pm -8.30 Group Meditation with Inspirational-reading, Chants, Meditation and Healing Service . Link to Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/73165306898?pwd=RmZLelBDUWpIT2kvSm9DSWhQVmZKQT09 Meeting ID: 731 6530 6898 Passcode: 917834
10am-5pm All-Day Christmas Meditation
10am-5pm All-Day Christmas Meditation
Annual custom established by Paramahansa Yogananda of devoting an entire day united in spiritual effort and in deepening communion with God and Christ. Please see the All-Day Christmas Meditation page for important details in the News and Events section.